So far, one pitch and an assignment from a long-standing client. Not big money, but definitely good Xmas money (althought I probably won't be paid until January.) That's cool, thought.
Weirdness upon weirdness -- I think I'm going on antidepressants. Thing is, I don't know if it will help. Basically almost every therapist I've had has tried to get me to go on them (because I seem so depressed? I guess.) The weird part was that around Thanksgiving I was positively euphoric.
My SO didn't irritate me, my parents didn't irritate me (well, once, but that's to be expected at least once during the four days.) I didn't overeat, I felt pretty good, really. I felt very calm inside. I have no idea why. Maybe I really love my parents?
I also only have a term paper and one five-page story to submit for the end of the semester and my work is completed! Woohoo!
I am attempting to head to the Central Coast for travel piece, too. It's like an annual pilgrimage to this one tourist trap, but a lovely one, nonetheless.
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